Extraordinary Man Podcast

258: Ep. Recap Dom Teich - The Fighter Pilot Mindset

Episode Summary

This is a recap of my interview with Dom Teich from episode 257. I share an overview of what we talked about along with my top takeaways and gold nuggets in a much shorter power-packed episode.

Episode Notes

In this episode, I give a quick recap of  my interview with Dom Teich including: 

- How to create more purpose, fulfillment and significance in your life

- What business owners can learn from fighter pilots

- How to get off the achievement hamster wheel once and for all 

And so much more...  

Dom “Slice” Teich brings his fighter pilot background and applies them to guide pilots, athletes, business owners, and students with afterburner techniques that American fighter pilots use to ensure mission completion. As an Amazon best-selling author, business owner, entrepreneur, civilian and military instructor pilot, he knows that busy individuals and teams struggle with information overload.

Click Here to go to Dom's website

Click Here to get a Free signed copy of Dom's book


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